Data Entry Process in Sanchaya Post 7.5 – Certificates (KVP/NSC/NSC IX)

Initialization of certificates stock and account number

1.    Log into Certificates module of Sanchay Post7.5  as Supervisor E.g.: User name : DESUPER Password : DESUPER
2.    Click on Certificates Single Data entry menu
3.    Click on Initialization menu –  Two menus  Certificate stock maintenance and Account number will be present under this
A.   For initializing certificate stock,
1     Click on Certificate stock maintenance menu
2     Select Scheme from Drop Down Menu E.g.: NSC IX. If there are certificates already entered for the scheme using data entry module, those will be displayed. Or else, an empty screen will be displayed.
3     Click on Insert  for inserting certificates into stock
a.    Provide invoice number, date, prefix(maximum 4 characters first two numbers and last two alphabets) and suffix (only numbers; maximum 6 characters)
b.    In the received column enter the total  number of certificates for which data entry needs to be done
c.    Issued column will be automatically populated to be equal to received and balance will be automatically taken as zero.
d.    Click on save button  to save the initialized certificates

4     Click on Modify  for modifying the certificates already entered via data entry module
a.     Invoice no, Date of initialization, denomination, suffix and number of certificates received can be modified.
b.    Click on save button to save the modifications done.
When an already existing certificate range is given, certificate block already exists error will be thrown.
Eg: When a certificate block already exists for prefix – 12AA with suffix range 1 to 100 and another certificate block is added with the same prefix 12AA and suffix overlapping that range (Eg: 20 to 50), ‘Certificate block 12 AA 1 to 100 already exists ’ error message will be thrown. Except that block, all the other initialized certificates will be saved in such a scenario.
B.   For initializing account numbers and nominee numbers,
1.    Click Account number  menu
2.    Provide the effective date   (from which the account numbers are active), select scheme, provide start number, end no and run no and select the category as Regular ac no or nominee no from the drop down.
a.    Run no should be given as (startno – 1). ie if startno is given as 1 and end no as 100, run no should be given as 0.
b.    The block of account numbers should not overlap. I.e., If one row has regular ac no range from start no as 1, endno as 100 no other row should have regular ac no’s in the range 1 to 100. Same condition applies of nominee no too.
c.    The latest number (runno) should not be greater than account number to be entered via Data Entry.

3.    User can modify the already provided account numbers and click on modify button to save the changes.
4.    User can also delete the rows by selecting the row (a hand cursor will be shown on the selected row) and clicking on delete button.
Issue of certificates - Counter
1.    Log into Certificates module of Sanchay Post7.5  as Data entry Counter E.g.: User name : DECOUNT Password : DECOUNT
2.    Click on Certificates menu
3.    Click on the scheme (KVP/NSC/NSCIX)
a.    Provide the name, select the holder type from drop down, Registration number, Date of purchase, Amount and aadhar id if present.
b.    Select the minor check box and provide minor details if the account holder is a minor.
c.    Enter the certificate details of the account that are to be saved i.e., Select the denomination, provide the fromprefix, fromsuffix and the number of certificates.
d.    Click on Add and provide the details if more than one denomination is present.
e.    Click on Ok. If there are any errors, they will be shown on clicking ok. Else, ‘Please Click on Save’ message will be shown.
f.     Click on save.
g.    Nominations button will be enabled now. Clicking on nominations, a new window pops up.
h.    Enter nomination no,  nominees name, address, city , pin code and share percentage
i.     If nominee is a minor, select minor check box and provide DOB and guardian details.
Counter can view the certificates and account number already initialized via data entry module and online. He/she cannot modify the details.
Issue of certificates - Supervisor
Supervisor can modify the first name, last name, address and id proof details of the account holder. This can be done only for accounts which are already entered by providing the account number, retrieving the details and modifying the details. Supervisor cannot make a new account data entry.
Only after initializing the stock and account numbers, data entry can be done for manually issued certificates.
Once these data entry is done, user can go online and initialize nsc/nscix stock and account numbers, move the certificates to sub stock by logging in as super and start issuing certificates as counter.

 Courtesy: SDC Chennai

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