HSC and SSLC Examinations in Kerala Circle – Valuation Camps added in Parcel Net

       All 121 Centralized Valuation Camps (CVCs) for HSC and SSLC Examinations have been added to parcel net as L2 parcel hubs by CEPT Mysore, with the approval of Directorate. All the exam parcel booking Post Offices can close parcel bags directly to the evaluation camps which are treated as L2 Hubs by the system.  The bags so closed by the booking post offices have to be handled manually by the intermediatory mail offices till the bag is received at the delivery post office which is serving the Evaluation Camps. The delivery Post Office has to receive the Bags through Postman module, open and issue the articles for delivery and update the delivery information. Thus the system will be having electronic data at Booking Post Offices (booking and dispatch event) and at Delivery Post Offices (Receipt of Bag, Opening of Bag, Delivery events)

Many divisional heads have reported that the opening of large number of exam parcel bags/ preparing delivery slips at the delivery post offices is not practically feasible.  The process of opening of the parcel bags at the CVC premises and delivery of the parcels to the addressee at the CVC after its checking and then feeding the data by the delivery post office is seen practically viable.  In this connection, I am directed to request you to issue the following instructions for strict compliance:-

(a)  All booking post offices will book the exam parcels through the system affixing barcodes and close direct parcel bags to the centralized valuation camps with the PIN Code of the post office serving the centralized valuation camp irrespective of the number of parcels booked. 

(b)  The parcel bags so closed will be dispatched through the linked mail office on the same day itself.   

(c)  The parcel bags received at the destination mail office will be sorted and kept centralized valuation camp wise.

(d)  The exam parcel bags with the centralized valuation camp wise list will be handed  over to the official deputed by the postal divisional head after getting their acquittance.

(e)  All the bags will be taken directly to the valuation camp by those deputed officials in specially arranged vehicle and bags are to be opened at the CVCs.

(f)  The bag labels and parcel list prepared by the office of booking/closing will be stapled together after checking the contents of the bag with the list.

(g)  Parcels will be delivered to the addressee at the CVC after ensuring its sound condition, total number counted from all parcel lists. Acquittance will be obtained with seal on the parcel lists.

(h)  Data entry regarding bag receipt, bag opening, generation of delivery slip, updation of delivery data of parcel will be carried out at the delivery post office serving the CVC with reference to parcel list/bag labels.  Subsequently a copy of the delivery slip so generated will be produced to the In-charge of the CVCs and get their signature on the date of the delivery itself.

Availability of electronic data at booking post office, for booking and dispatch events and at delivery post office for receipt of bag, opening of the bag and delivery events should be ensured.        The delivery of exam parcel bags are to be monitored daily by the Divisional Head and Regional Head.  There should be no complaint on this matter.  The Divl.Heads are personally responsible for this important task.  A daily report will be sent by each Divisional Head to AD(Mails), Circle Office on the no. of bags received and delivered centre wise.  Divisional Heads of RMS units will also give a daily report on exam bags transshipped through RMS.
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