for various issues which will be happened while upgrading to Sachaya Post
Version 7.5 has been published by SDC Chennai. Following are the solutions for various issues
Post Version 7.5
going for installation of Sanchay Post version 7.5, latest backup of all the
databases should be taken and kept in safe. If the execution of
"Upgrade_DB" completes with error and forgot to click 'Restore to
Previous version', no solution is available with SDC.
Issue is due to missing tables or database : While Upgarding
DB, Error " one or more tables are missing.check table_list_log.txt for
more errors.kindly contact SDC chennai to fix these errors before running the
tool" occurs
Pl check for missing tables of all databases using latest
DBAnalyser. (Solution for missing tables is available in SDC site under
'known issues - patches'). Pl check name of all the SO databases with
corresponding entry in 'SOdb_name' table .If any irrelevant entry in that
table, pl remove the same after obtaining prior permission from concerned
Invalid object name 'dcl.misc' / table missing : 'dcl.misc'
"update_report" ( available in SDC site under known
issues - patches)
Problems in Intialisation in the DE certificates/ working in
DE Module
Detailed Procedure Document is available in SDC site. Ensure
that the blocks assigned in DE Module does not overlap with the one in Online
Error while running Upgrade DB: Invalid object name
'dcl.temp_scs_ledger' . The object 'PK__accountopen_thro__2077C861' is
dependent on column 'scheme'
Click on "Restore to Previous Version" and contact
SDC . If forgot to do this, Uninstall Sanchay Post version7.5 & install
Sanchay Post version 7.0. Restore the latest backup available with you
(before going to 7.5) and make dataentry for remaining days. Then, contact
Error While Upgrading DB : But forgot to click "Restore
to Previous version" and continued with Sanchay Post Version 7.5.
Uninstall Sanchay Post version7.5 & install Sanchay Post
version 7.0. Restore the latest backup available with you (before going to
7.5) and make dataentry for remaining days. Then, contact SDC with log files
Error while running Upgrade DB: post : Cannot resolve the
collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and
"Latin1_General_CI_AI" in the equal to operation.
This issue was due to user database having different collation
settings in databases. The below query needs to be executed in databases
having collation issue using SQL Query Analyzer.
Rs. 50000 denomination is not available in KVP DE Module
Pl run the patch (1) released on 28.01.2014 in our SDC site
Error : "Amount doesn't tally" while issuing NSC IX
through cheque in Online module
Pl run the patch (1) released on 28.01.2014 in our SDC site
In certificate Data Entry Module, KVP & NSC is not
Pl run the patch (1) released on 28.01.2014 in our SDC site
While runnning "upgrade_DB" tool, error: Processing
XXXX: Database changes related to NSC IX deployed sucessfully XXXX: Database changes related to NSC IX not deployed sucessfully |
Click "Restore to Previous Version" button. Then
check whether you are having more than one entry for this sub office in
"sodb_name" table of POST database. If so, remove one of the entry
after obtaining prior permission from concerned authority. Try to run the
tool again.
While runnning "upgrade_DB" tool, error: Processing
POST: Database changes related to NSC IX deployed sucessfully POST: Database changes related to NSC IX not deployed sucessfully |
Click "Restore to Previous Version" button. Then
check whether you are having any entry like'POST' in "sodb_name"
table of POST database. If so, remove that entry after obtaining prior
permission from concerned authority. Try to run the tool again.
Error: "You are not authorised to login" in
Certificate DE Module
This issue was due to unsuccessful upgradation of one or more
databases . Follow the instructions given at Sl.No:4.
NSC IX Agent Commission , TDS - not shown while generating
Agent Commission Report
Initialize the commission details -- through Initialization
>>>Init comisn ,TDS amt (Form no 0412) by logging in as SUPER and
then try to generate reports.
Multiple user in Data Entry Module(Error: Invalid Regn No).
For Ex: You are having 15000 KVP regn numbers to enter and ready to deploy 5
persons to complete this work by allotting regn no as 1 to 3000 for user1,
3001 to 6000 for user2 and so on.
Login as DESUPER>>> Certificates Single
Entry>>> Initialisation >>>Account Number>>> Add ;
Enter the details as 'Starting-1' , 'Ending-3000', 'Latest -0' . Then, add
one more row and enter the details as 'Starting - 3001', 'Ending-6000',
'Latest-3000' and so on. This will solve your problem.
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